Thursday, August 2, 2012
So I'm going to give blogging a shot again inshaAllah. YAY!
(I just realized you guys never knew my real name lol)
Anyways, subhanAllah, so many things happened since I was last on here. I feel like I changed and grew and matured so much. There's this new energy running through my veins. I want to share it with you because of how it feels. How it makes me feel. It feels so good. The beating of a fresh new pulse. A new energy with every heartbeat. It rushes through my body, through every corner. I feel on top of the world. Like I can do whatever I put my head to do. I don't feel tired or discouraged. I have Allah on my side. I have the knowledge that although my heart can stop beating, its echoes will live. It's the heart that will feed the poor, the oppressed, the needy. The people who need love. The people who need faith. My heart will be the heart that is strong and patient in times of struggle, fierce in times of war, wise in times of decision-making, and kind and loving to all those who deserve love.
I love you.
Please follow me on my new blog, keep me in your du'aas, and take care! Until next time iA!
Also, don't forget Syria, Burma, and Palestine in your du'aas! And that Muslim countries win a lot of Olympic medals! (that was an awkward subject shift)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Swtiching to Tumblr
I'm temporarily swtiching to Tumblr due to peer pressure. Lol, follow me there.
Love, Bint Khaled
Friday, June 24, 2011
I Miss My Homies
-Bint Khaled
Long Time, No Blog's been almost a year since I blogged on this. I'm almost 14 years old now..about two & a half months left. Lol (:
I missed you all; how's life? ♥
-Bint Khaled
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Shorter Posts
Assalaamu 'Alaikum warahmat Ullahi wabarakaatuh,
I realized that most fabulous bloggers type short posts, for wisdom is portrayed in the least amount of words. That made me notice how I must be such a dimwitted person who bores you out with such long posts.
I'll try to make them shorter inshaAllah.
Love for the sake of Al-Rahmaan,
Bint Khaled
I Regret my Mistake
Assalaamu 'alaikum warahmat Ullahi wabarakaatuh,
Sometimes I'd feel that pain in my hand while I'd type, and I'd just shrug it off as I would a fly. (Actually I would scream if it was a fly..but that's another story.. :D). A few weeks ago, I was diagnosed with something called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which is a result of incorrect wrist or joint movement. For instance typing while sitting in a wrong position, or typing for a long period of time may result in attaining this syndrome. I very sadly have it on both hands from the tip of my fingers to the top of my shoulders..the reason is: I'm a writer, I need my keyboard. :)
Therefore, I apologize that I may not use the computer or blog for about three months..(I know that's sadly my usual amount of blogging anyway 0.0). Keep me in your du'aa' and don't worry much about me inshaAllah. It's not major if I listen to my parents and avoid use of the keyboard or incorrect wrist position. I love you all for the sake of Allah subhaanahu wa ta'aala.
Fear not, for there is always a light at the end of the Carpal Tunnel. ;)
Yep, I did indeed make that up!
Fi AmaniLlah,
Bint Khaled
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Difference between a Student of Knowledge and a Student of the Internet
A Student of knowledge: He is the one who before doing anything fixes his soul. Then he maintains his soul to upright character. Therefore he becomes an example for others, in his character and manners. The student of knowledge strives for knowledge and benefit. The seeker of ilm does his utmost to sit with scholarly men, people of piety and in circles of knowledge. The person striving to learn his deen constantly equips himself with beneficial knowledge and information. He safeguards his time. Hence you don’t see him involved in things which are useless. The student of knowledge turns away from things that don’t concern him, and busies himself with things that affect him.
Whenever he speaks, he brings benefit to the people, and when he writes it’s beneficial. Furthermore whoever sits with him ,learns something. He gives precedence to knowledge, its people, consequently benefitting from them. As result of this he honors the people of knowledge; he supplicates for them, and asks Allah to have mercy and forgiveness for the deceased scholars.
The Talibul Ilm hates backbiting, abhors the backbiters and detests anyone’s name mentioned in a bad light. Another thing to notice about the student of knowledge is, he’s humble, he doesn’t raise himself above his level. He doesn’t act like he’s loaded with something he really can’t offer. This student isn’t misled by people praises of him, people blowing him up to be a big shot, or their extolment of him.
The student of knowledge doesn’t want to be famous, so he doesn’t seek fame from the people. Reason being, he knows that it’s Allah who raises the people and gives them rank, not such and such. This seeker of knowledge is one who calls to Allah and advises the Muslims. He enjoins what’s right and forbids what’s wrong based on the Islamic principles and guidelines. You will notice that the student of knowledge is always trying to unite the Muslims and their hearts. He can’t stand division between the people of the Sunnah. He is well aware that division is connected to innovation, and unity is connected to the Sunnah. For that reason it is said, “ Ahulus Sunnah wal Jama’a and Ahul Bid’ah wal Farqa”.
Moreover, you will notice that the student of ilm is shy to speak. He doesn’t speak about everything or every affair that happens among the people. He remains silent, because he knows that he will be called to account for his words, the same way for his actions. Hence, he safeguards his own well being in his speech and actions. He won’t open a door to evil for the general masses.
The Talibul Ilm doesn’t embark on issues of falsehood and deal with things he’s unaware of. That’s why; he enters into issues with clarity. He is aware of them inside and out. He is prepared for the meeting with Allah.
These are some of the traits of the student of Knowledge. May Allah give them to us-Ameen
The student of the Internet. First of all, he doesn’t have any of the traits we mentioned, as this is witnessed. The student of the net is shameless in his character. He displays arrogant behavior towards people. The student of the World Wide Web wastes his time in things that are fruitless. He attacks anyone, regardless if they are a minor or senior. He hurls his assault without maintaining the reverence of knowledge, age, or its people.
The student of the internet learns hatred, he follows the mistakes and slip ups of others. These are the fruits of learning from the internet. The student on this path days and years remain empty. He is unable to relax and the people can’t feel at ease from his harm and evil.
In conclusion, if you want to be a student of knowledge, here you are! Take the path. The milestones have been laid out for you. On the other hand if you want to be a student of the internet, there you are! There is the way. That path is full with filth and rubbish. So disgrace yourself, if you want to be a student of the net, but beware of lying to the people claiming you’re a STUDENT OF KNOWLEDGE!
Taken from the Shaykh’s website:
Translated by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle – Adam
Monday, October 11, 2010
Remember Me?
I was looking through my older posts, and I saw that a lot of them were about me apologizing to you for delaying my publishing of new blog posts. Take my word for it, this post is no different.
My family and I recently got back from Egypt in mid-August. I feel awkward in this cold 91-degree weather. I long to hear the Athaan once again and to see the empty streets during Jumu'ah time. I dream to once again see the 'Abaayahs and Jilbabs and Hijabs in the streets, and feel that, "Yes, I'm finally home." Mind you, I'm a born and raised American. But I feel as close to Arabia as I am to my birthstate.
I'm still glad to be back in America though I was really crying when I left. I loved it there. With all its pollution, cigarettes, crowds, noise, and dirt, I love it. I love it with all its smiles, Qur'aan, Islam, and life. I love it with all its ma7shi, food, tea (shaay), and restaurants. I love its sporting clubs, its sights of interests, its wonders, its magnificence. I love its language and its people. I love its malls and stores and shoes and makeup and niqabs and Hijabs and 'Abaayahs. I love its City Stars and Sharm-El-sheikh, and its pyramids and its Heliopolis. I love its old mosques, and its new mosques. I love its shabab, the young youth who walk in the streets calling and laughing and joking. I love the night-time walks and drives I had with my family and my cousins. I loved it when I'd look around and hear a joke in my language. Arabic. And I'd laugh. Because it actually was funny. I love it, love it, love it.
I apologize for not having written while I was there. I was so lost in my new fairytale of where my real home is, that I forgot about that once-loved object called, "The Internet." In Egypt, I would refer to it as: El-nit. But now, el-nit is not as soothing as it was once before. Now, my time is dedicated to memorizing the Book of Allah subhaanahu wa ta'aala and trying to find ways to get into a program that would help me fly through High School. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that alhamduLillah I made it to yet another year. I am currently a 13-year-old by the will of the Almighty.
Ya Allah, I can't believe it's already been two years since I first made this blog. And yet, here I am, feeling like I've only had it for what? Two months?
Anyway, I'd love to tell you more about my summer. But for now, I have to go study and work on my science fair project. My mother is tapping impatiently..(that's a lie BTW).
Can't wait till I next go to Egypt (Misr), my home.
Love for the sake of Allah subhaanahu wa ta'aala,
Bint Khaled
PS. Check out MLIAR ( It's really cool..for you Arabs who've been out there waiting for one to be made. Well awesomely, it was recently made by some fabulous people! I was soo happy when I discovered it a few days ago.. May Allah ta'aala reward the admin. Ameen.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A Taalibah at Heart
Yes, alhamduLillah I am still alive. No, I'm sorry..I do not have time to give out autographs. I apologize for not having blogged for a while now but I have been quite busy. Busier than I would want.
My missions for this Dunya and the 'Akhirah are increasing every second, and at the moment, the internet is not my priority. I still don't know if I will be blogging much during summer time..only Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala knows. That mainly depends on if we are inshaAllah traveling to Egypt or not.
I sort of have to get along with typing this post really fast because I have a Tajweed class in and hour and a half, a Qur'aan class in two hours, and I still have to pick up my sister from college and take her out for a late lunch. InshaAllah we'll manage.
The reason I'm not at school right now with my notebook and mechanical pencil (0.5 lead..woot woot) is because I'm currently suffering from the stomach flu which I alhamduLillah caught from the boys who sit across the room from me. While I'd be trying to pay attention, I can hear their beautiful little 'choir' blowing their noses in a coincidental rhythm and then coughing and sneezing.
When I thought I was immune to the disease, I eventually caught it on Friday. AlhamduLillah. =)
So far I've only used about 23 tissues and coughed about 17 times and sneezed 4 times. That's an improvement. I skipped out on my Ibuprofen yesterday alhamduLillah..and just when I thought I'd be headed back to school today, the cold caught me AGAIN at 12:03 am. Allahu Akbar. =P
Anyway, I mainly wanted to write this post as an encouragment for me and you alike. I believe with all my heart that I am a true Taalibah alhamduLillah always armed with my memory of a student and my beautiful yellow notebook and mechanical pencil (0.5)! Whenever I can, I attend to whatever beneficial class I can find. I always make sure that I walk out of that class having learnt something new to add to my list of gems, and pass down my knowledge to other peoples' gems.
One last shout-out: AL-MAGHRIB INSTITUE FTW! (For the world..) =D
Be a taalibah today..learn and pass it on!
Make du'aa' for me and all the Muslims out there,
Bint Khaled
For the sake of Allah.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
La Hawla Wa La Quwwata Illa Bellah
I hope you all prayed Fajr today! =D (That's what I ask my friends every morning!)
So I was on Google Buzz the other day, and I saw a lot of my friends posting up new posts about life and stuff. Their posts were exteremely enjoyable and were coming together very smoothly until I found myself reading "isA" and "mA" over and over. I was so mad, subhanAllah. It really bugs me to see the new chat lingo our Ummah has been using lately:
- InshaAllah to iA or isA
- MashaAllah to mA
- SubhanAllah to sA
- Jazaaka/Jazaaki Allahu Khairan to JAK
- Assalaamu Alaikum to AA or ASAK
- Warahmatu Allahi wabarakaatuh to WAB or WRB
- AlhamduLillah to AL
- Subhaanahu wa ta'ala to SWT
- Salla Allahu 'alayhi wassallam to S
- Peace be upon him to PBUH
- Radiya Allahu 'anhu/'anha to RA
- And anything else there is out there.
SubhanAllah, I think it's very disturbing and improper when I see people spend so many wasted hours writing random emails, and then when it comes to writing "Assalaamu Alaikum warahmatu Allahi wabarakaatuh", they write "ASAK WR WB". Really, people of the world? Is that what we have come to? That we write so much, but when it comes to the most important sentence of the whole text, we write it in shorthand? Inna Lellah..
Let me know if you disagree, then inshaAllah we can debate this issue later. =D
Love for the sake of Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala,
Bint Khaled
Monday, February 22, 2010
I was actually talking to some of my friends about 786, and about hearing that it actually stood for "Bismillahi Al-rahmaan Al-raheem". I wanted to know if this was true, and how the idea behind it came about and how it was calculated. So I did what I always do..I researched about it.
The following aricle is too long. Please consult with the following site:
Jazakum Allahu Khairan,
Bint Khaled QK (that's a sideways ninja)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
My very dear sister
This post is dedicated to my dear sister, wherever she may be out there in this world full of fitnah...actually, she's right in the room right next to mine, where I sit here blogging, but what difference does it make?! (Trying to add drama here...)
I just wanted to say that very few people ever have such an awesome sister as I do. Though, we have our hard times and our tense fights, there are still these moments where I feel like you're my twin. The two years between us have no effect on our relation. Maybe I yell at you when I'm angry, or I might throw the nearest object I find at you (when I'm really really really mad) and then for the next week, hear you say "Anger issues" when you see me. Other times, I would just play a little prank on you or experiment on you (like that one time when I decided not to talk to you for three days and tested your reaction. Turns out you started crying. I could sense the love. But then when I found out it was because you lost your soccer ball, I felt very discouraged.) But these are just the moments we laugh at later.
You are one of my most inspiring role models in life, and I don't know how I would've ever made it up to the seventh grade I'm in right now without you. When I was down in the dumps, or when I needed some advice and good reminders, I always went to you. I could count on you to make me some shai when I was in the mood for coffee or to get me some cheescake when I wanted soup, but you always made me smile in the end. Your very unique method of humor brightened up my days whether I laughed with or at you. Your writings made me sense exactly what you wanted me to sense, and you taught me the most valuable lessons through them and your few but effective words. You taught me that our mission in life is for the afterlife and that helping others is the key for helping yourself. You are my second mother that I'll never forget. (Don't worry, my room's clean. You can check it now, I swear!)
Now as I go over my blog, I can see how much amazingly wicked comments you left then I think back to all those moments we laughed together, and made fun of each other, and helped one another, and debated and argued just for fun. I don't know what I would ever do when you get married. Please..dude...don't ever leave me and get lost, even when I tell you to. (Never make me mad in the first place! Like..don't take my internet when I'm blogging..ahem, ahem..)I am always your sister and when you're down, you know I'm just a heartbeat away.
So I have to go now and set up the table for dinner, inshaAllah I'll see you there. I mean, I really hope I will or else I'll call you a spoiled, not social person.
May Allah reward you with your patience in having me as a sister (and make me better than you muahahahaaa),
Bint Khaled
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I am very very very happy as of this moment. In my very personal language, I call it 'feeling AlhamduLillah-ic'. Now, why is that?
- I have lived another day in my life with my two parents, my three siblings, my 20+ friends, my four limbs, my working mind, my affectionate heart, my soft eyes---I think I'm over-doing it now, and you probably already get the picture...
- EGYPT WON THE AFRICA CUP! (Sorry, people. But as you can see, I'm a great fan of patriotism..only to Muslim countries though. So if a Muslim country had won, I would've still felt very happy. But as being from an Egyptian descent, I gotta be simply P-R-O-U-D..)
I advise you all to be proud of your ethnicities, your faiths, your traditions/culture/heritage, and not ever put your back against them, because they are a part of you and mean a great deal to those who lived with you through it all.
Yeah, so I feel like talking in British at this moment (though I have nothing to do with England..), and go bug my sister with all these different accents. (Random question: What's your favorite accent?!)
Love for the sake of Allah,
Bint Khaled
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Why I use this bloggy thingymabobber (never said I always found words for everything!)
Bismillah....I'll start off with a very sincere apology to all those who take the time to read my blog, for they are the ones who actually drive me to rant about my life, my faith, and my community. I got carried away with school work, the annual science fair, and a bunch of projects and extracurriculars. I am nothing but a young twelve year old just trying to live her life. I was formed from a rather tiny clot of blood and into the short frame I stand inside of right now. (And now is the part where I blame my messiness on my
But..please don't take me wrong! I still am sorry that I let all of you down and ruined my reputation to the whole blogging community as being unprofessional, a time-waster, and a very imprompt person.
But just to let everyone here know..I have faith that I'm more than that. Just because I may be a tiny figure, with a tiny shadow, and a tiny family, I still have a loud voice coming out of my tiny mouth, a massive dream, and the willpower to accomplish it. I may not always have the answer to everything, but I always have the thought of trying to learn about it. I may be "just another Muslim", but I actually do something about it. That's why I have this blog. I want those who think they know everything about Islam to visit my blog, and leave it knowing more than what they had known before.
So inshaAllah...I mean I can't promise or anything..but wallahi (ooh I actually just promised..hehe well..too late!) I will try what I can to help all of you have the awesomest life, afterlife, and middlelife (grave).
I love you all for the sake of the Almighty Lord,
Bint Khaled
Saturday, January 9, 2010
To Do
Assalaamu Alaikum warahmatu Allahi wabarakatuh ma dear sis's and bro's (whether ur black, white, red, peach, brown, yellow, blue, pink, or orange. whether u have model hair or abused hair. whether ur a procrastinator or a goody-two-shoes. whether u like to eat hummus and stuffed grape leaves or ud rather stick to biryani or sushi and ramen noodles. whether ur cool or unfortunately stereotyped)..
Every Muslim person in this world lives to die. (You're probably reading that over to understand it). We have to come and face reality..we all are gonna die somehow..somewhere...somewhy...but our mission is to make sure our death is AWESOME! So don't live this world gaining temporary points for your fashion closet and your earthly remedies..but instead, follow these words of wisdom that a 12 year old like I has collected in these 12 years of life.
Yo, yo, yo oh sistas and brothas from otha fathas and mothas, if you want to have a high position in all kinds of good deeds, to be a devoted slave of Allah and to honor your parents, and you are seeking Paradise, then you have to do the following:
Basic TO DO:
- KEEP QUR'AN IN YOUR HOUSE ALL the time, don't just keep it there, but hear it. Read it. Beautify your voice with it.
- MAKE DUAA'. IT's THE STRONGEST WEAPON YOU CAN EVER HAVE. And it's one weapon that can never be taken away. Whether Islam's enemies like it or not, they can never interfere between you and Allah.
- DON'T SAY THAT YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE WORLD. That's what people say when they don't want YOU to change it.
- WHENEVER YOU HEAR OF A NEW HADEETH OR AYAH, START DOING IT. That's the key to becoming a better Muslim.
- FIND TRUE FRIENDS. They really pay off on the Day of Judgement.
- DO FOR THIS LIFE AS IF YOU WILL LIVE FOREVER, DO FOR THE NEXT LIFE AS IF YOU WILL DIE TOMORROW. So live, laugh , love, but remember that you will die.
- REMEMBER ALLAH EVERY SECOND IN YOUR LIFE. These will be the only seconds you truly cherish forever.
1 – You have to revive the faith in your heart. Faith is what will bring the Muslim everything he seeks in this world and in the Hereafter. Faith is the key to all goodness and locks the door to all evil. The means of reviving and strengthening faith in one’s heart are many and varied, including doing a lot of acts of worship and righteous deeds.
2 – You must turn to your Lord sincerely, as it says in the report: “If My slave turns to me inwardly and outwardly, I will turn the hearts of My slaves to him with love and mercy.” Allaah has made worship the ultimate aim and loftiest purpose of man: “And I (Allaah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)”[al-Dhaariyaat 51:56 – interpretation of the meaning)]
3 – You should always set your sights on the highest degrees, and make your goal in life to earn the pleasure of Allaah, and strive to attain the victory of Paradise, or to attain the highest Firdaws. You should strive as hard as you can to achieve these lofty aims.
4 – You should follow the example of historical Muslim figures such as the Sahaabah, Taabi’een and righteous forebears (the salaf).
5 – You should make the most of every minute, every moment and every heartbeat to use it in such a way as to increase your faith.
6 – You should try to keep company with righteous people, because the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “A man will follow the religion of his close friend, so let each one of you look at whom he befriends.” Narrated by Abu Dawood and al-Tirmidhi with a hasan isnaad. Good friends are one of the best means of helping you to obey Allaah and to avoid sin and error.
7 – Doing a lot of righteous deeds which will bring you happiness in this world and in the Hereafter.
8 – Praying qiyaam al-layl, making du’aa’ in the time just before dawn. The feet of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to swell because of his desire to be a thankful slave, even though Allaah had forgiven his previous and future sins.
9 – Persisting in reading a portion of Qur’aan daily, and other dhikr that helps you to think and ponder the meanings of the Qur’aan.
10 – Striving to spread the word and make da’wah for the sake of Allaah, and working for Islam as much as possible.
11- Wear the hijab, and increase your hayaa'. It's only for the benefit of you.
12- Accept criticism, especially if it's from those that you love. Without realization, there lies no change.
13- Be strong in your faith. Don't let a rude comment allow it to waver.
14- While being strong, have some fun! No one said it was ever haraam!
15- Work hard to get knoweledge. Whether it's from nerdy novels or just the Qur'an, it's gotta be great. Knoweledge is the best weapon against your enemies.
16- Don't think you'll ever have lost your money when you give it away to Sadaqah.
17- Have a blog. Spread your thoughts through the web! (another excuse to go online...)
18- Always help others. It really, really pays off when you least expect it.
19- Have the best of intentions in every choice you make. Pray istikhaarah.
20- Always use halal money for EVERYTHING. It's the only type of blessed money.
21- Love ONLY for the sake of Allah. Trust me, I had experience and those are the only relations that EVER stay..
22- Know that your community is only your sisters and brothers, so if you ever need anything, they're there. Always call them sis and bro, that keeps ties stronger.
23- When in doubt, read the Qur'an.
24- When in doubt, ask the Shaykh!
25- When in doubt while driving, press rear. LOL! nah, that's my personal inside joke..
Live life L*O*U*D! Die death serene.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The truth behind the sibling-ness

Sunday, December 6, 2009
An AWESOME Hijab poem!!

I wanted to share with all of you a great Hijab poem. It's called "Baby, it's all good". YA ALLAH, JUST BECAUSE THAT'S THE TITLE DOESN'T MAKE IT A BAD POEM!! Just trust me and read it! SubhanAllah, it's amazing!
Author unknown
Well free isn't exactly the word I would've used
Not because I have been stared at or made fun of
Real men are able to appreciate my mind
We have the strength to do what we think is right
So when people ask you how you feel about the hood
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Vs. Algeria
Assalamu Alaikum dear readers,
I am here to let you know of some bad news. Egypt lost against Algeria and-----and----oh Ya Allah!!! WE'RE NOT MAKING IT TO THE WORLD CUP!!!!!
La Hawla wa la Quwwata Illa Bellah!!!
Oh well, I guess you guys haven't been making that duaa' i told you to make. :*(
Khayrun InshaAllah!!
Bint Khaled
Today is the First DAY of HAJJ
as we relax here in our country(-ies) hujjaj in makkah have begun their hajj. Make duaa' for them now. Yes NOW. :) Thank you.
I feel really bad because I want to be there. I am halal-ishly envious of all the hujjaj who are on the ready in their ihram right now. (Unless you're a haaj who has his iPhone with him right now and is checking his mail on the way! Psshhhtt I hope not!! Inna Lellah)
Bint Khaled
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The flag of Egypt

As the above picture of the Egyptian Flag indicates the overall background is a tricolor consisting of Red, White and Black.
The description of the Eygyptian Flag is as follows:
1. Three equal horizontal bands of red (top), white, and black
2. The national emblem (a shield superimposed on a golden eagle facing the hoist side above a scroll bearing the name of the country in Arabic) centered in the white band.
According to Ancient and Heraldic traditions much symbolism is associated with colors. The colors on the Egyptian flag represent the following:
White - peace and honesty
Red - hardiness, bravery, strength & knightliness & valiancy
Black - Determination
The Meaning & History of the Egyptian Flag
1. The Egyptian National emblem represents the eagle of Salah ul-Deen
2. From 1923 Egypt adopted a green flag depicting three stars within the crescent representing the peoples living in Egypt - the Muslims, Christians and Jews
3. The NEW Egyptian flag (see above picture.. XD) was adopted on October 4, 1984
GO EGYPT!! (my country.. though I personally was made in the U.S.)
-Bint Khaled
A kunya. What is a kunya? A kunya (Arabic: كنية) is an honorific widely used in place of given names through the Arab world and the medieval Muslim world. It is a component of an Arabic name, and a type of epithet(attribution) referring to the person's first-born son or daughter or parents. Men go by either:
- Abu ~ (the father of ~)
- Or Ibn ~ (the son of ~) .
Women go by either:
- Umm ~ (the mother of ~)
- Or Bint ~ (the daughter of ~).
For instance my personal Kunya is Bint Khaled...which differs from my webname: VeiledKnight. But my besties still call me by my first name (so do my sibs and family). In my opinion, it is best for people from the opposite gender to call each other by their Kunya rather than their first name. It is more respectful that way and less hinting towards anything.
What's your Kunya? Let us know...
-Bint Khaled.
For Allah. For Islam.
Egypt vs. Algeria

alhamdulillah wa la ilaaha illa allah wa allahu akbar
alhamdulillah wa la ilaaha illa allah wa allahu akbar
alhamdulillah wa la ilaaha illa allah wa allahu akbar
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Losing the language
Ring, ring.
"911 operator. How may I help you?"
"Dude, I lost something very valuable to me, and my community lost theirs along with me. We've been tricked into losing them!"
"May I ask what 'it' is exactly?!"
"Good day." click.
I know that's not how they answer when you call 911, but Alhamdulillah I've never tried it nor have I had to! Did it ever occur to you how honored muslims are? We have the Qur'an in one of the best----sorry THE best language on earth! But we are losing the language!!
Help keep it alive by learning it yourself. Keep it alive by teaching it to others. Support foundations that teach Arabic. Marry Arabs!! Have Arab-speaking bilingual/trilingual kids! Help Islam stay alive so we won't regret it and think we have wronged and that losing Arabic was our fault! Please!
I'll start speakng "FusHa" (arabic) at home and write sometimes in it on my blog.
Try to understand, or translate it and learn!
تحيى أللغة العربية!
-Veiled Knight
For the sake of Allah.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
All because of a bunch of ol' pigs
Now, now, now! Don't take me wrong here!! I didn't mean 'pigs' as in people; but I mean pigs as in the animal 'pig'. :)
As many of you know, cases of the swine flu or the H1N1 virus have dramatically shot up in the past year. If people had never actually dealt with pigs, then maybe this whole Swine Flu epidemic would have never happened!!
I mean, from before; about 1430 years ago, we were warned!
Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala) says:
“Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine…..” (Surah al-Ma’idah, V: 53)
Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala) says:
“…for he (the Prophet) commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure)…” (Surah al-A’raf, V: 157)
May Allah make us all patient and protect us and our brothers and sisters from the H1N1.
Your sister in Islam,
VeIlEd KnIgHt
The only love, the only friendships that ever remain are only those for the sake of The Eternal. I made that up!! LOL
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Eid Mubarak!!!
Okay, so first off, I am sooo sorry I haven't written for such a long time! It's just that you know, like Ramadan and all. I just didn't have a second to spare blogging about my life. Ramadan just isn't about me, It's about Allah.
so I'm like really happy because Alhamdulillah, Eid is tomorrow. But I'm still sad because Ramadan is over, Shayateen are coming back, and I didn't accomplish much this year (a whole other year to wait for another blessed chance).
Basically, we have some Eid Cleaning to do. So I have to go now.
EiD MuBaRaK! Happy Eid! (be Sa'eed!)
sa'eed means happy by the way.
-Veiled Knight
The OTHER Veiled Knight
Today I found out about another VeiledKnight in the blogger world, and I hope she doesn't already have bad feelings towards me. I want everyone to know that I would NEVER copy or plagiarise anyone's work or ideas. So just for the record, I thought the name VeiledKnight was original and that I was the one who thought of it. Here my brothers and sisters is the story of the first VeiledKnight in the history of the world.
Her name remained greatly unknown, until the battle of Ajnadin, not far from Jerusalem, where Derar lost his spear, fell from his horse, and was taken prisoner. She disguised herself as a male knight, took her arms and rode her horse through the Roman ranks, using her sword skillfully against whoever tried to stop her. The Muslim soldiers, and their leader Khalid Ibn-Al-Waleed (RadiyaAllahu 3anhu), watched her with great admiration, presuming that she was a man. The 'man' had a green shawl wrapped around 'his' waist and covering whatever part of 'his' dress that was tight. That knight broke through the Roman ranks as an arrow. Khalid and the others followed him and joined battle, while the leader was wondering about the identity of the unknown knight. Rafe' Bin Omeirah Al Taei described how that knight scattered the enemy ranks, disappeared in their midst, reappeared after a while with blood dripping from his spear. He swerved again and repeated the deed fearlessly, several times. All the Muslim army was worried about him and prayed for his safety. Rafe' and others thought that he was Khalid, who had won great fame for his bravery and genius military plans. But suddenly Khalid appeared with a number of knights. Rafe' asked the leader: “Who is that knight? By God, he has no regard for his safety!"
Khalid answered that he didn't know the man, though he greatly admired his courage. He called on the army to attack as one man and to make sure that they protect their hero(ine). They were fascinated as they watched the knight appear with a number of Roman knights chasing him. Then he would turn around and kill the nearest before resuming his attacks.The Romans eventually lost the battle and fled, leaving many dead and wounded in the battlefield. Khalid looked for the knight until he found him. By then he was covered in blood. He praised his bravery and asked him to remove his veil. But the knight did not answer, and tried to break away. The soldiers wouldn't let him do that. And everyone asked him to reveal his identity.When the knight found that there was no way to avoid that, he replied in a feminine voice: "My prince, I did not answer because I am shy. You are a great leader, and I am only a woman whose heart is burning."
"Who are you?" Khalid insisted."I am Khawlah Bint Al Azwar. I was with the women accompanying the army, and when I learnt that the enemy captured my brother, I did what I did."Khalid ordered his army to chase the fleeing Roman army, with Khawla leading the attack, looking in all directions for her brother, but in vain. By noontime, the victory was decisive. Most of the Roman soldiers were killed.Knowing that the prisoners had to be somewhere, Khalid sent Khawla with a number of knights to find them. After a hot chase, they managed to catch up with a Roman detachment that was taking the prisoners to their headquarters. Another fight took place, the Roman guards were all killed and the prisoners saved.
In another battle in Ajnadin, Khawla's spear broke, and her mare was killed, and she found herself a prisoner. But she was astonished to find that the Romans attacked the women camp and captured several of them. Their leader gave the prisoners to his commanders, and ordered Khawla to be moved into his tent. She was furious, and decided that to die is more honorable than living in disgrace. She stood among the other women, and called them to fight for their freedom and honor or die. The others were enthusiastic to her plan. They took the tents' poles and pegs and attacked the Roman guards, keeping a formation of a tight circle, as she told them.Khawla led the attack, killed the first guard with her pole, with the other women following her. According to Al Waqidi, they managed to kill 30 Roman knights, while Khawla was encouraging them with her verses, which in fact caused their blood to boil.The Roman leader was infuriated by what happened, and led a detachment of his knights against the women, though he tried first to tempt them with many promises. He told Khawla that he planned to marry her and make her the first lady of Damascus. But she answered him calmly and with great contempt: "I wouldn't even accept you to be a shepherd of my camels! How do you expect me to degrade myself and live with you? I swear that I'll be the one to cut off your head for your insolence."In the ensuing battle, the ladies proved their mettle, kept their grounds for some time, encouraging each other and driving off the attackers with their long poles. Suddenly, Khalid and the army reached the battlefield. In the ensuing fight, over 3.000 Romans were killed. The women who took part in the fighting were proud to say that Khawla killed five knights, including the leader that insulted her.In another battle, the Muslims were overwhelmed by a much bigger Roman army. Many soldiers fled away, but not for long. Khawla and the other women met the fleeing soldiers, questioning their claims of bravery and forced them to return to the battle. The men were stunned when they saw Khawla drawing her sword and leading a counter-attack. They turned their horses and joined the battle, which was eventually won. One of the knights present that day said: "Our women were much harsher with us than the Romans. We felt that going back to fight and die was much easier than facing the fury of our women later on".Following his succession as the fourth caliph, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) married Khawla. She became a legend during her life and remains a legend to this day. Khawla set an example to men and women alike that one should fight for what he or she believes in, and never accept defeat.Yeah, so thats the story of the lady I pen-named myself after. She is a great women, and I'm sorry to Veiled Knight if I offended her in any way.
:) -Veiled Knight
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Ramadan Mubarak!
First off, I'd like to start off this post with gratitude to Allah (swt) for letting us all be granted with yet another Ramadan. (The Shaytaan's locked up! Yaaayyy!!)All throughout the year, we wait patiently for a month in which we feel the utmost humility to Allah (swt). What many don't know is that we shouldn't wait for Ramadan to help us increase our worship; but we should increase our worship in all times of life.
There is no excuse for a living person to not worship his lord at his utmost capabilities. While Allah (swt) has blessed us with life, we should make the best of it. I want you all to do something special this Ramadan. Actually I DARE you all to do it. Set yourself a certain goal for Ramadan; something tough and occasionally done, and complete it. Then continue on it after Ramadan. My goal for instance is to pray 20 Raka'ahs Taraweeh every night of Ramadan, and to read the Qura'n three time or just one time and finish two surahs, to give a lot of Sadaqah, to make a positive difference in someone's life, and to help my ummah. For you, this may be nothing, but again we all have different capabilities. Then if you have completed Ramadan with your goal accomplished, leave me a comment and let me know your success story, though it is between you and Allah (swt).
Ramadan: ( Ramadan or Ramadhan or Ramazan (Arabic: رمضان) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.
Wow! Wikipedia has no clue of the essence this one month can have!
Ramadan is Shaytaan-free, prayerful, almost sinless, and duaa' packed. But here's the catch.
Did you know that almost all new music CDs come right before Ramadan?
Did you know that TV programs have the best ideas around Ramadan?
Did you know that almost half the Muslim population is led astray by these two things?
Did you know that the Shaytaan is actually smart (in leading us astray)?
Did you know he gives people these supposedly 'awesome' ideas before he gets locked up so that people would do more sins in Ramadan?
Did you know that the Shaytaan got Adam out of Jannah? And he will aim to get us out too?
Did you know that we should destroy his plans and show him who really is better than the other?
Then ignore him. Do all duaa's against him. Don't let him get to you Ever. Don't watch a lot of TV (preferably none at all). Don't listen to music. Don't follow the Shaytaan and the way of the disbelievers.
Get Jannah. Aim high. Enjoy Ramadan. Make duaa' for me!
-Veiled Knight
Friday, August 21, 2009
The message on the Keffiyeh

Assalamu Alaikum,
When I wear anything Black, White and Gray (escpecially when it has red on it too!), I don't wear just because it's the style, or becuase it matches my outfit; but I wear it because it has a meaning. To most people, wearing a Keffiyeh signifies supporting Palestine. But to me, each color has a meaning.
Black: The darkness of the time we're in right now
White: The promise of our pure future (Victory! Jannah!!)
Gray: The haziness of our Black-and-White past
Red: The blood shed during our Black moments
The Keffiyeh is a promising article of clothing that I'm proud to treasure in my wardrobe!!
-Veiled Knight
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Today, I decided to write about something our Ummah needs greatly. This 'something' is called, Hayaa'. Hayaa' literally means self shame, modesty or morality. The scholars have explained Hayaa' to be a condition within ourselves that prevents us from committing any action that Allah (swt) has prohibited us from doing. When a woman wears her hijab, it's an act of Hayaa'. The niqab is an even bigger branch of modesty.
It is really sad that nowadays, Muslim women and men mingle freely, and talk to each other about unimportant topics. Those of us who choose not to do that and have an increased amount of Hayaa' are made fun of, ignored, and labeled as 'unsocial' or 'hermits'. The right way for a woman to be properly modest is for her to only talk freely with Mahram men (men who a woman is not allowed to marry, i.e father, brother, uncle, grandpa). At the masjid, I find girls wearing makeup and laughing loudly; their voices very teenagerish and attractive. I see boys turning to look at them, their eyes blinking from the amount of accessories the girls wear. SubhanAllah! I sometimes feel really sorry for the boys in our Ummah. They fall into big amounts of Fitnah, and some girls add to it more.
A woman should not look a man in his eyes, chat him up, wear attractive clothing, or stare at him [let's rephrase that: look at him except if by accident].
And to our dear brothers out there, be satisfied with your mother, sister, wife, and daughters. The women out there are not to be looked at. Remember that Allah sees your every move, and that he judges you based on your actions.
-Veiled Knight
Monday, July 27, 2009
'Halalifying' the Haram
Or maybe they are a bunch of dudes sitting and savoring a candy with gelatin in it. My stomach grumbles, "GeLaTiN is HARAM!".
When we go off to a beach somewhere, we see women showing off their tans, wearing extremely revealing bikinis. I stand not so close to them, wearing my hijab and Abayah. And guess what? They stare at ME! I mean, sometimes we are the more attractive ones in America! (Well technically it IS my fault for coming to a beach with "haram people"!) Well anyway, I can't swim because the men are there, staring at us, wondering why the pop I'm not wearing a swimming suit!
What makes me most comfortable living here in America, is that I know that I have stronger faith than what they think I have (hence, I am very humble.. :) ), my head is kept high, and that in Jannah Insha'Allah, we will do whatever we want to do! (The HaRaM will be HaLaL again!!)
-Veiled Knight
Sunday, July 26, 2009
SO i tried something new in the lake this time! (and i am bound not to try it again). I SWAM WITH MY ABAYA! yes I know, it was so fun. But I hadn't planned out that my Abaya would get all skin-tight and not serve it's purpose anymore! And I suffered from hypethermia (exaggerated) because I didn't have extra clothes planned out!
Yes, so I learned my lesson!
-Veiled Knight
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I feel like I owe every single one of you something, like an apology. I apologize that I've been forgetting to put Bismillah and Assalamu Alaikum a whole lot (actually all the time! :])!
I apologize for being a person completely unorganized with my duty to all of you; blogging.
If you forgive me for this, please comment and tell me that!
Any questions or suggestions? I'm here (Alhamdulillah, till now...).
-Veiled Knight
Friday, July 10, 2009
Awards come and go!

Happy Friday!!!
I want to pass this Adorable Blog award to 5 dear sisters who truly deserve it.
- My sister and friend, Slave of God @
- My fellow-blogger, Sara @
- The very ambitious teenager, Modest Justice @
- One of the best mothers ever, Marwa Sabry @
- A great sister-in-Islam, Malizea @
- Everyone else I missed out on
- My dear followers (xoxo)
Here are the rules of the Adorable Blog Award:
–Include the logo in your blog or post
–Nominate as many blogs which you like
–Be sure to link your nominees within your post
–Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog
–Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received this award
Thanks everyone!
Congrats to those who have recieved the award!
Thursday, July 9, 2009

- Modesty
- Purity
- Self-confidence
- Faith
- Belief
- Love for Allah
- Respect for yourself and for others
But the Niqab has a higher level of each. Just thought I'd share that with yall. :)
-Veiled Knight
Hijab Martyr

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Gotta break it to ya
You may find the best type of entertainment after computers and TV to be music. You may be spending half your day listening to Britney Spears' newest hit. Well if you're one of those people, than let me break it to you: Music is HARAM! Many would say "Nuh, uh! This is a contraversial issue." But no it really isn't. Here's the proof:
The overwhelming majority of scholars consider music to be Haram, based on the following verse:
"And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allah, the Verses of the Quran) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the Hell-Fire)". (Surah Luqman 31:6)
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood used to swear that the meaning of idle talk was singing. This view was held by Ibn Abbas (RA) and other Sahabah as well. Ibn Mas’ood used to say that music is to the hypocrisy as water is to a plant. The scholars are agreed that when singing is accompanied with music, then the prohibition is even stronger.
The other major proof is the Hadith reported by Al-Bukhari with a partial isnad (mu’allaq):
"From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcohol, and the use of musical instruments as lawful. Allah will destroy them during the night...and will change the rest of them to monkeys and pigs and they will remain so until the Day of Resurrection".
This Hadith was narrated with a connected chain of narrators by other scholars of Hadith such as Al-Ismaili, Abu Dhar, Abu Nuaim, and Al-Tabarani. It is authentic.
Singing and the playing of the daff (a large tambourine like instrument) is permitted on special occasions like the Eids and marriage.
So if you're smart enough, you'd stop listening to music after you see the proof.
Unique as I am

- Wants to wear the niqab
- Is constantly asking questions about Islam
- Is always thinking about death
- Stays on the safe side of contraversial issues.
I feel this wave of strangeness when I'm around my friends. We are all Muslims, but not all of us are religious. It's sad how I have to feel this weird and different when I'm around my own brothers and sisters.
Unique as I am, I am Muslim. And no one can ever change that.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Extreme Hijabi Sk8er

Spread around the world
Flustering away from one another in each step we take
Not standing together to fight off evil
Joining together in gossip
Ignoring those who are more religous
Feeling proud with those who have lost their faith.
We the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad
Are officially weakened
By the lack of our faith
Where are we when the call of struggle comes
What do we do when our brothers and sisters need us
What are we doing avoiding the screams of our mis-lead souls
Tell me, if you have a strong explanation.
I want to know
I want to understand
I want to be sure that we
The carriers of the flag of Islam
Will be the carriers to Jannah
I want to be confident
And be able to say
My ummah made the world great as it is today
We the 'Strangers'
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Our main connection with Allah happens by praying. But we can't always pray. We need Wudu' and a clean place. But there is one thing Allah (swt) accepts from us all the time if we truly believe in him. That is Du'aa. Du'aa is basically asking Allah (swt) anytime, anywhere, anyhow to give you something you want or need. It is our ultimate weapon, my dear sisters and brothers! We get it anytime, and it's something non-Muslims don't have! So why are we scared of anything that happens to us? Allah is with us, but they have the weapons.
Wallahi! If our whole ummah unites together, we would never have this amount of fear and hesitation to follow the right oath as much as we do now!
So raise your hands up and pray to god to forgive me and all the brothers and sisters who are there for the sake of Allah (swt)!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Curing the "Lost Self"
Ok, Take a look at Bhuddism, ummmm-NUH-UH!
What do they believe in?
Buddhism does not teach belief in one God, and in some forms teaches there is no god. However, popular and in particular Mahayana Buddhism (the Buddhism of China, Tibet, Mongolia, Japan and Korea) teaches the existence of many deities, and elevates the Buddha into a divine being, the origin of all that exists.Buddhists believe in the power of karma, or actions based on desire. Such actions, either good or bad, make a person continue in the cycle of reincarnation – being reborn repeatedly until achieving enlightenment.Buddhism does not teach belief in one God, and in some forms teaches there is no god. However, popular and in particular Mahayana Buddhism (the Buddhism of China, Tibet, Mongolia, Japan and Korea) teaches the existence of many deities, and elevates the Buddha into a divine being, the origin of all that exists.Buddhists believe in the power of karma, or actions based on desire. Such actions, either good or bad, make a person continue in the cycle of reincarnation – being reborn repeatedly until achieving enlightenment.
Hindus have a strong belief in karma. Karma determines one's position in life as well as the cycle of life. Karma in other words, is cause and effect. There are three goals to which Hindus may give any of those. The first goal is through love and sex. The second goal is wealth and success. The third goal is seeking the common good. Hindus also believe in salvation through works, way of knowledge, and the way of devotion, all of which are achieved through fulfilling one's duties, meditation or worship. They also believe that Brahman is his creation and that all are divine, even objects have a divine nature. Brahman is an impersonal, absolute god that cannot be known by humans.
"A" is a root word or prefix meaning "not"or "no" and the root "thie" means "diety" (i.e.god) and "ism" means "the belief of" or "ist" one who believes. So literally Athieist means one who believes there is no god. Athieists tend to believe more in people having power than in any diety.
God is the creator of all that exists;
He is one, incorporeal (without a body), and He alone is to be worshipped as absolute ruler of the universe.
The first five books of the Hebrew Bible were revealed to Moses by God.
They will not be changed or augmented in the future.God has communicated to the Jewish people through prophets.
God monitors the activities of humans; He rewards individuals for good deeds and punishes evil.
Jews generally consider actions and behavior to be of primary importance; beliefs come out of actions. This conflicts with conservative Christians for whom belief is of primary importance and actions are a result of that belief.Jewish belief does not accept the Christian concept of original sin (the belief that all people have inherited Adam and Eve's sin when they disobeyed God's instructions in the Garden of Eden).Judaism affirms the inherent goodness of the world and its people as creations of God.Jewish believers are able to sanctify their lives and draw closer to God by fulfilling mitzvoth (divine commandments).No savior is needed or is available as an intermediary.
Christians believe that God is the creator of all people, the world, the universe, and everything seen and unseen. This is based on various Bible passages, including the first chapter of the Bible's book of Genesis. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that he is one with God, and that he was sent here for our salvation. In John 10:30 (NIV translation), John the Apostle quotes Jesus as saying, "I and the Father are one." Jesus died after being crucified. He was buried in a tomb that was owned by a follower of Jesus.
Basically, nothing seemed to click except Islam. Here's why:
Muslims base their lives on the five pillars:
1. The testimony of faith: “There is no true god but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God.”
2. Prayer: five prayers must be performed every day.
3. Giving: one must give to the needy, as all comes from Allah.
4. Fasting: besides occasional fasting, all Muslims must fast during the celebration of Ramadan (the ninth month of the Islamic calendar).
5. Hajj: the pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah) should be performed at least once in a lifetime (during the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar).
These five tenets, the framework of obedience for Muslims, are taken seriously and literally. A Muslim's entrance into paradise hinges on obedience to these five pillars.
Atleast I don't make poor calfs sad because I believe in a religion that makes slaughtering cows the least painful of all! Islam is the truth!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Confessions of a Revert

By Sara Bokker
I am an American woman who was born in the midst of America’s “Heartland.”I grew up, just like any other girl, being fixated with the glamour of life in “the big city.”Eventually, I moved to Florida and on to South Beach of Miami, a hotspot for those seeking the “glamorous life.”Naturally, I did what most average Western girls do.I focused on my appearance and appeal, basing my self-worth on how much attention I got from others.I worked out religiously and became a personal trainer, acquired an upscale waterfront residence, became a regular “exhibiting” beach-goer and was able to attain a “living-in-style” kind of life.
Years went by, only to realize that my scale of self-fulfillment and happiness slid down the more I progressed in my “feminine appeal.” I was a slave to fashion. I was a hostage to my looks.
As the gap continued to progressively widen between my self-fulfillment and lifestyle, I sought refuge in escapes from alcohol and parties to meditation, activism, and alternative religions, only to have the little gap widen to what seemed like a valley. I eventually realized it all was merely a pain killer rather than an effective remedy.
As a feminist libertarian, and an activist who was pursuing a better world for all, my path crossed with that of another activist who was already at the lead of indiscriminately furthering causes of reform and justice for all.I joined in the ongoing campaigns of my new mentor which included, at the time, election reform and civil rights, among others.Now my new activism was fundamentally different.Instead of “selectively” advocating justice only to some, I learned that ideals such as justice, freedom, and respect are meant to be and are essentially universal, and that own good and common good are not in conflict.For the first time, I knew what “all people are created equal” really means.But most importantly, I learned that it only takes faith to see the world as one and to see the unity in creation.
Eventually I hit a moment of truth: my new-found self-fulfilling activism was nothing more than merely embracing a faith called Islam where I could live in peace as a “functional” Muslim.
I bought a beautiful long gown and head cover resembling the Muslim woman’s dress code and I walked down the same streets and neighborhoods where only days earlier I had walked in my shorts, bikini, or “elegant” western business attire. Although the people, the faces, and the shops were all the same, one thing was remarkably distinct--I was not--nor was the peace at being a woman I experienced for the very first time.I felt as if the chains had been broken and I was finally free.I was delighted with the new looks of wonder on people’s faces in place of the looks of a hunter watching his prey I had once sought.Suddenly a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.I no longer spent all my time consumed with shopping, makeup, getting my hair done, and working out. Finally, I was free.
Of all places, I found my Islam at the heart of what some call “the most scandalous place on earth,” which makes it all the more dear and special.
A year-and-a-half passed, and I told my husband I wanted to wear Niqab.My reason, this time, was that I felt it would be more pleasing to Allah, the Creator, increasing my feeling of peace at being more modest.He supported my decision and took me to buy an “Isdaal,” a loose black gown that covers from head to toe, and Niqab, which covers all my head and face except for my eyes.
Soon enough, news started breaking about politicians, Vatican clergymen, libertarians, and so-called human rights and freedom activists condemning Hijab at times, and Niqab at others as being oppressive to women, an obstacle to social integration, and more recently, as an Egyptian official called it--“a sign of backwardness.”
Today I am still a feminist,but a Muslim feminist,who calls on Muslim women to assume their responsibilities in providing all the support they can for their husbands to be good Muslims. To raise their children as upright Muslims so they may be beacons of light for all humanity once again. To enjoin good--any good--and to forbid evil--any evil.To speak righteousness and to speak up against all ills.To fight for our right to wear Niqab or Hijab and to please our Creator whichever way we chose.But just as importantly to carry our experience with Niqab or Hijab to fellow women who may never have had the chance to understand what wearing Niqab or Hijab means to us and why do we, so dearly, embrace it.
Most of the women I know wearing Niqab are Western reverts,some of whom are not even married. Others wear Niqab without full support of either family or surroundings. What we all have in common is that it is the personal choice of each and every one of us, which none of us is willing to surrender.
Willingly or unwillingly, women are bombarded with styles of “dressing-in-little-to-nothing” virtually in every means of communication everywhere in the world.As an ex non-Muslim, I insist on women’s right to equally know about Hijab, its virtues, and the peace and happiness it brings to a woman’s life as it did to mine.Yesterday, the bikini was the symbol of my liberty, when in actuality it only liberated me from my spirituality and true value as a respectable human being.
I couldn’t be happier to shed my bikini in SouthBeach and the “glamorous” Western lifestyle to live in peace with my Creator and enjoy living among fellow humans as a worthy person.It is why I choose to wear Niqab, and why I will die defending my inalienable right to wear it.
Today, Niqab is the new symbol of woman’s liberation to find who she is, what her purpose is, and the type of relation she chooses to have with her Creator.
To women who surrender to the ugly stereotype against the Islamic modesty of Hijab, I say:You don’t know what you are missing.
To you, the ill-fated corrupting conquerors of civilization, so-called crusaders, I say: BRING IT ON.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The truth is, my friend-and I must say the truth- that the hijab (which literally means cover) covers us from so many bad things that we don't expect. When you walk down the street, and you see another Muslim woman, fully covered-everyone ignoring her, other than the stares normally given to the 'strangers', and next to her is a woman who is dressed in clothes that barely cover her, and men are gaping at her beauty. Just tell me, who here is oppressed?
The one who will end up in Jannah happily without suffering from bad relationships in life, or the one who is a slave to the fashion market and night-clubs?
Monday, June 15, 2009

- Be a true Muslim from the heart. As long as you have at least one DOT of faith in your heart, you will eventually end up in Jannah somehow.
- Remember Allah at all times. He is your savior and guardian whom you always have with you if you believe in him, and your judge.
- Practice Islam whenever and wherever, no matter what others think about you. Remember that there are two angels and a god with you at all times, knowing exactly of each action you have done.
- Follow the sunnah of the prophet (s), for he said:
"I leave two things of value amidst you in trust which if you hold on to you will never go astray: the Quran and my sunnah."
5. Remember death, and stick only with those who remind you of Allah, and stay away from those who make fun of Islam, and keep you away from the truth.
Take my advice to heart, for death can come any second, and you should always be prepared.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Types of Hijab
What is really sad is that while we 'suffer' from this, there are other girls out there who don't seem to care of our striving to enter Jannah. I am so sad to see Muslim women not covered. Now I know that some people will be upset with me for saying that, but I just feel sad. This sadness grows whenever I pass a street with me being the only Hijabi there. When I do, it's usually women walking around with the scarf around their shoulders instead of on their head. They wear many different types of scarves. It has been my personal observation that some Muslim girls and women do not realize the significance of hijab. Hijab is Arabic for protection and cover. Some people put a lot effort into their Hijab, yet it serves no purpose. I am referring to the pointless Hijab that some girls wear.
The first pointless Hijab is referred to as the headband Hijab. It is a band of fabric approximately 4 inches wide. It covers the back of the head and allows all the hair to be exposed. It doesn't serve much in terms of modesty, but at least it comes in handy in case of an unexpected tennis match.
The second pointless Hijab is the dupetta, also known as the Saran wrap Hijab. It covers all the hair, but it is totally transparent. Again it doesn't serve much in terms of modesty, but it keeps the hair nice and fresh.
The third type of Hijab is known as the Mickey Mouse Hijab. It is when a girl wears a black scarf and tucks it behind her ear, so that her ears stick out.
We now move to my "favorites":
The yo-yo Hijabs. The first yo-yo Hijab, also known as the Benazir Bhutto hijab, is the scarf that keeps falling down and needs to be constantly pulled back up....up, down, up, down, just like a yo-yo.
The second yo-yo Hijab is also referred to as the convertible Hijab. This type of Hijab is predominant at any type of social event, i.e. an Aqeeqah, Bismillah party, Ameen party, wedding, etc. This is when an Imam or Qari' comes up to the microphone and starts to recite Qur'an. At this point, all the convertible Hijabs come up...until he says "Sadaqallahul atheem". I'm not sure, but apparently in some cultures that translates to "Ok sisters, you may now take off your scarves".
I'm sure this may seem odd, but what's even funnier is when people do not anticipate the recitation of Qur'an at a social event, and are forced to be creative and use accessories such as a purse to cover one's hair. I was surprised to see a women hold her purse over her head as "Hijab" if the multitudes of men surrounding her are not a good enough reason to wear Hijab, but some guy reciting du'aa compels her to hold a purse over her head. Her friends were more friend used her dinner napkin. I was also laughing when I saw the communal Hijab -- two or more girls draped under one dinner napkin during the recitation of Qur'an. Her other friend was still more creative. She used her coffee saucer on the back of her head. I wasn't sure if it was Hijab or a Yamaka. I didn't know if she was a Muslim or a Jew. I felt like going up to her and saying "Shalom alaikum, sister".
And, people should remember that Hijab is not just a protection from guys, but from a girl's nafs (ego) as well. It should prevent girls from having to spend hours in front of the mirror doing her hair. But, unfortunately, you see girls in front of the mirror for hours doing their Hijab as they would do their hair, with all sorts of elaborate braids and the like. I wanted to go up to a sister and say "Is your Hijab naturally curly?" I also felt compelled to go up to another girl and say "Excuse me, but is your Hijab naturally that color, or did you dye it?".
Well, the point to remember is that some people make an effort to wear Hijab, but it is futile, because it is not fulfilling it's purpose. It's like using an umbrella with holes in it. Hijab is used for protection from guys as well as from the girl herself, and should not be used as an accessory or for beautifying one's self. Anyway, that's it. If anyone disagrees with me or is offended, then you are disagreeing with the teachings of Allah subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
Maybe wearing these types of scarves is an improvement in itself, for some women don't wear it at all. What I want to understand is why some Muslim women choose not to wear a headscarf. I seriously want to learn. I'm not trying to be mean here, I just want to hear from some sisters as to why they don't do it. Do you not find it to be an obligation? Are you 'not ready'? If you are 'not ready', then why? What holds you back? Please don't anyone take offense to any of this... I just really want to understand why.
Think of this as a rhetorical question. Allah has left us more days to live, more time to repent, more time to work. Daughter of Adam, you are nothing but a number of days. Each millisecond that passes is a millisecond closer to either heaven or hell.